#GOTVaccine Video Library
NACDD video library includes access to all videos related to our Get Out The Vaccine #GOTVaccine campaign.
Check out our resources and join in the community discussion by sharing your shot on social media on @nacdd.
Be sure to check out our videos below!
GUCEDD: ASL Version Why I got my COVID-19 Vaccine
Thelma Green is very active in the community, including Project ACTION! and Special Olympics DC. Check out why she got her COVID-19 vaccine (after she really did not want to).
Conversation with youth about the COVID-19 Vaccine
NACDD CEO, Donna Meltzer sits down with college students, Jimi Scott and Davon Rollins, and with parents of children I/DD, Eugene and Elliot, to talk about why they decided to get the COVID-19 Vaccine and what the experience was like for them and their families.
Native American & Tribal Community COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion
NACDD hosted a conversation with leaders to learn about outreach, engagement, and programs surrounding COVID-19 in Native American and tribal communities, as well as their work to connect with individuals with I/DD, their families, and caregivers.
A conversation with Raquel Quezada about the COVID-19 Vaccine and Her Family’s Response
NACDD CEO, Donna Meltzer sits down with author, disability advocate, community leader, and international radio host of the program: “Cambiando el Mundo de las personas con Discapacidades” Raquel Quezada, to chat about the Hispanic and LatinX community and her own family’s experience with the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Why I Am Vaccinated - A PSA for the TN Disability Community
State representatives Darren Jernigan and Sam Whitson agree: getting the COVID-19 vaccine is how they protect themselves and their loved ones.
VaccinateME, Maine’s Vaccination Appointment System has created a set of PSA’s to help increase COVID-19 vaccinations among people with disabilities and direct support professionals; the individuals who support people with disabilities where they live and work.
Meet Raquel Quezada: NACDD discusses the Importance of the COVID-19 Vaccine & the Hispanic community
NACDD Communications and Program Coordinator Rafael Rolon-Muniz sits down with author, radio producer, and host of the program: “Cambiando el Mundo de las personas con Discapacidades” Raquel Quezada, to chat about Hispanic Heritage Month, the Hispanic and LatinX community, and about her experience with the COVID-19 Vaccine.
A Conversation about Teens and the COVID-19 Vaccine
NACDD CEO, Donna Meltzer sits down with Amanda and her son; Ikaika Kaahanui from Hawaii to talk about the COVID-19 Vaccine and their decision to get vaccinated.
Texas Children's Experts Answering your COVID-19 Vaccine Questions
Associate Vice Chair for Community Health, Dr. Jean Raphael, Co-Director of the Center for Vaccine Development, Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi, and Medical Director of International Services, Dr. Armando Correa, answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccines.
The CDC has created a video collection in partnership with the Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation at Georgia Tech in American Sign Language (ASL). To watch the full collection of ASL videos, click here.
Biden gets COVID booster shot
President Biden spoke at the White House about COVID-19 vaccination efforts and received his booster shot on camera. Senators like Mitch McConnel have also received their booster and have emphasized how easy yet necessary it is.
Montgomery County Immunization Coalition
The Montgomery County Immunization Coalition (MCIC) has launched a COVID-19 Vaccine Digital Video Campaign to debunk the most common myths about COVID-19 vaccines.
Georgia Tech: Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation
The CIDI has created a series of videos to help protect yourself F\from COVID-19.
Pope Francis: Unity Across the Americas
Pope Francis and six Cardinals and Archbishops from the US and Latin America have come together for a message of unity in support of COVID-19 vaccines and access for all.
Disability Law Center of Alaska
Protect yourself, be a role model, and get back to doing things you enjoy in life. These are some of the reasons that Jena Crafton, national award-winning self-advocate and member of Alaska's Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education, shares about why it’s important to receive your COVID-19 vaccine.
Stay Safe from COVID-19: How I Get a COVID-19 test
The CDC has created a series of videos for people with disabilities. This video focuses on people with disabilities getting the COVID-19 test.
What Makes the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe?
With widespread accessibility to the COVID-19 vaccine on the horizon, two UCF College of Medicine professors with expertise in infectious diseases and pathology break down the science behind the vaccine and answer common questions about its safety, effectiveness and who should be getting it.
How the COVID-19 vaccines were created so quickly -
Discover how mRNA vaccines help your immune system fight viral infections and how this decades-old technology was used to create COVID-19 vaccines. Be sure to watch TEDEd’s video.
CDC Vaccine Equity Event: Spotlight on Community-Based Organizations
This webinar introduces the new program, Partnering for Vaccine Equity, which supports national, medical, non-profit, academic, faith-based, and community-based organizations in their work to increase vaccine confidence and vaccine uptake. Subtitles and transcripts are available in English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, and Simplified Chinese.
Ask a Doctor: What about the new COVID-19 variants?
Dr. Gina Gregory-Burns, MD explains that COVID-19 vaccines are effective and protect you against variants.
Ask a Doctor: How do we know vaccines are safe for pregnant women?
Dr. Ellie Ragsdale explains why it's especially important that pregnant women get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Ask a Doctor: Do the COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility?
Dr. Sara Whetstone explains that COVID-19 vaccines do not affect fertility and are safe for anyone who is pregnant now or looking to get pregnant.
Ask a Sports Medicine Doctor: Why do young, healthy people need a COVID-19 vaccine?
Dr. Alex Diamond explains why even young, healthy people should still get a COVID-19 vaccine, considering they are just as likely as older people to experience COVID-19 symptoms for months after they recover.
Ask a Doctor: If I'm young and healthy, why do I need the COVID-19 vaccine?
One-minute video featuring Dr. Pamela Simms-Mackey explaining why it's important that even young and healthy people get the COVID-19 vaccine. Why do you need a COVID vaccine if you're young and healthy? Learn how COVID vaccines protect you and your loved ones.
Ask a Doctor: Why should eligible children get a COVID-19 vaccine?
Why do children who are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine need it if they're young and healthy? Learn how COVID vaccines protect you and your loved ones, and help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Stay safe from COVID-19: Get a COVID-19 shot
CDC has created a video for people with literacy challenges, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This video tells the story of why people have gotten vaccinated.
Getting my COVID-19 Vaccine with Confidence
The Georgetown University Center for Child & Human Development has created a set of series featuring Thelma Green and James Beadle, both persons with the lived experience of developmental disability who reside in DC. Listen to James Beadle’s story! You can also see the ASL Version and the Spanish Language Version.
Why People with Disabilities Should Get Their COVID-19 Vaccine
The Georgetown University Center for Child & Human Development has created a set of series featuring Thelma Green and James Beadle, both persons with the lived experience of developmental disability who reside in DC. Listen to why you should get the COVID-19 Vaccine. You can also see the ASL Version and the Spanish Language Version.
Why I Got My COVID-19 Vaccine (After I Really Did Not Want To)
The Georgetown University Center for Child & Human Development has created a set of series featuring Thelma Green and James Beadle, both persons with the lived experience of developmental disability who reside in DC. Listen to Thelma Greens’ story! You can also see the ASL Version and the Spanish Language Version.
NCDHHS: Don't Wait to Vaccinate
Unvaccinated people are vulnerable to the more contagious and dangerous Delta variant of COVID-19 that is spreading across North Carolina. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect you and your teen.
In the Spotlight: Shining a light on the COVID-19 Vaccine
The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities has created the video to help answer questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Conversation with Dr. Fauci about COVID-19 vaccines
Dr. Anthony Fauci recently joined us to answer MamásConPoder / MomsRising member questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. Get important and relevant info for moms and kids about the COVID-19 vaccines—and help us spread the word!
How to wear a face mask for kids
The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital has released a set of videos to help children stay safe during COVID. Watch Dr. Meg teach your children how to wear a facemask.
UM-NSU CARD's Let's Talk About The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Whiteboard Social Narrative Video
The University of Miami - Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism & Related Disabilities created a social narrative about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) so that it could be shared with your loved ones to help get them through this situation.
Breaking Down Barriers to Vaccine Accessibility
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association and a Nurse Practitioner, and Anna Perng, Philadelphia COVID-19 Health Equity Coalition member, a Self-Advocate and Parent of children with disabilities.
Join us as they share how they brought together their advocacy and medical skills to become “vaccine angels” bringing vaccines to people who cannot leave their homes in the Philadelphia, PA area.
COVID-19 Vaccine and DSP's
Hear from DSP's who have made the difficult decision about choosing to get the vaccine to keep themselves. their clients, and their families safe.
Guest Speakers:
Donna Meltzer, NACDD, CEO
Joseph Macbeth, NADSP, President & CEO
Kelley Shepherd, Mainstay Life Services, Pittsburgh
Matthew Crowley, AHRC NYC, New York
Pat Ejenavi, Vita Community Living Services, Ontario
NACDD Vaccine Education Webinar
NACDD hosted a webinar on vaccine safety education which highlighted COVID-19 vaccine information and the importance for people with I/DD, their DSPs, and their families.
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Emily Johnson, moderator
Emmanuel Jenkins, Community Resource Officer, Delaware DD Council
Karyne Jones, National Caucus on Black Aging, CEO, member of the UnitedHealthcare National Advisory Board on I/DD
Elizabeth Joseph, Council Member, Alaska DD Council
Dr. Rick Rader, Chief Medical Officer for NADSP, Board member of AADMD